From: Nicholas Clark Date: 23:35 on 17 Jul 2006 Subject: Aquamacs "Emacs" According to the blurb Aquamacs "Emacs": Aquamacs is an Aqua-native build of the powerful Emacs text editor. By "Aqua-native," we mean more than just the fact that this version of Emacs runs as a standard OS X application. Aquamacs features extensive customization: it will feel and behave mostly like an Aqua program - while still being a real GNU Emacs with all the ergonomy and extensibility you've come to expect from this world-class editor. So I start it. The default font seems to be proportional spaced. Yuck. But apparently this is a feature: Fonts just work, right from the menu: The Mac-standard font (Lucida Grande) is the default for editing text, and the mono-spaced Monaco is used to other modes. I want a text editor. Text. T E X T. I want monospaced fonts whatever. If I wanted proportional spacing I'd load a word processor, dammit. So I try to change them. It seems that the option menu will change the font for this buffer, but not globally, and not the saved default. Grrr. So I end up in the good old fashioned emacs customisation windows. I set the face "default" to Lucida Typewriter, hit ^C^C, and it all reformats the way I want it. I even hit a button marked "Save for Future Sessions" and it writes out a customistation file. So I test this, by quitting and restarting. It ignores it. We're back to proportional spacing. Lucida fucking Grande. Eh? Maybe the customisation file wasn't really being loaded. So I try symlinking it to ~/.emacs. No. That doesn't help. So make sure it is loading something I run it under ktrace: 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL stat(0x4b451c0,0xbfffd780) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET stat 0 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL open(0x4b451c0,0,0) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET open 5 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL close(0x5) Eh? Open the file, then immediately close it? Er, hello? Then a bit further: 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL readlink(0x4b95944,0xaa1240,0x64) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET readlink -1 errno 22 Invalid argument 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL stat(0x4b96800,0xbfffe3a0) No, that's not going to work... [to be fair, this might be just after it chased the symlink from my .emacs] Then, finally: 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET open 5 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL read(0x5,0x496ee00,0x39f) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs GIO fd 5 read 927 bytes "(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(aquamacs-customization-version-id 99.0 t) '(one-buffer-one-frame-mode nil nil (aquamacs-frame-setup)) '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((c-indentation-style . bsd)))) '(transient-mark-mode t)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "grey90" :foreground "Black" \ :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underli\ ne nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 120 :width normal :family \ "lucida-typewriter"))))) " 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET read 927/0x39f 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL close(0x5) Hurrah! We load it. So why doesn't it work? No clue. So I decide to grab that plausible looking custom-set-faces code and test it in the Lisp interaction window, *scratch* Paste it in, hit ^J, nothing. Odd... Not even the customary line of output giving the return value. Try something I think should work. Nothing Odd. I try a real emacs. Stuff happens, (as expected).. So, let's just check what ^J is bound to in *scratch* in Aquamacs. ^H k ^J C-j runs the command newline-and-indent which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'. It is bound to C-j. (newline-and-indent) Insert a newline, then indent according to major mode. Indentation is done using the value of `indent-line-function'. In programming language modes, this is the same as TAB. In some text modes, where TAB inserts a tab, this command indents to the column specified by the function `current-left-margin'. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. "emacs". You keep using that word. I do not think that it means what you think that it means. Nicholas Clark
From: peter (Peter da Silva) Date: 17:28 on 18 Jul 2006 Subject: Re: Aquamacs "Emacs" > "emacs". You keep using that word. I do not think that it means what you think > that it means. Sounds like Emacs to me. That's how traditional Emacs always worked, back in the day when it was new and edgy. EVERYONE had their own key bindings and you took your life in your hands editing documents in someone else's account.
Generated at 10:26 on 16 Apr 2008 by mariachi