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From: Nicholas Clark Date: 01:57 on 12 Jan 2007 Subject: mtr Dear mtr, So you claim to be able to operate as some nice X11 based thingy. So I background you. So what's with this shit about: Resolver error: Received reply from unknown source: to fd 2 which is the tty which stops you dead in your tracks. Just fucking work. Is that too much to ask? Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 14:29 on 07 Nov 2006 Subject: muchoshite Word Sooo, sadly I appear to be compelled to be writing a document using muchoshite Word. And in among the row of icons at the bottom of the window there is a little book icon. And as I type it is animated. And this cutesy little motion distracts me. But try as I may, there is no obvious way to turn it off. KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN I want my SS20. And I know where I want to fire it. [And dear hateful london.pm mail archive, please give me my review back] Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 09:48 on 11 Sep 2006 Subject: M$ Excel A document with the name 'TS_200609_NWC.xls' is already open You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders. To open the second document, either close the document that's currently open, or rename one of the documents. People *pay* money for this? Positive sums of money? Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 14:22 on 25 Aug 2006 Subject: Xquartz Something isn't honouring my profile... My profile sets HISTSIZE to something non-default so that more bash history gets saved. Login shells are happy. Children spawned from login shells are happy - they inherit the environment, as it should be. It turns out to be the OS X X server. Its default is to spawn an xterm. It's doing this from a clean environment (ie it's not run my profile) but it doesn't run the xterm with -ls to make it a login shell. So nothing is running my profile. Mmm. I don't have an .xsession here, I don't really feel like creating one just for this, so as it's "my" laptop I investigate what the system default is. It seems to be /private/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession And lo, that file has a bare unadorned "xterm". So I change it to "xterm -ls". Does this work? Hell no. The bastard X server isn't using that, and is (or at least as far as all the documentation and preferences goes) hard coded to start xterm. And fuck my shell history over. Hate. Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 10:46 on 14 Aug 2006 Subject: finder making aliases So, I have a folder on a shared drive that I wish to have aliased on my desktop. How do I do this? Well, Finder offers me "make alias". But that wants to make the alias into the same directory as the directory. Where I don't have sufficient privileges. And if I try to drag the folder, Finder attempts to copy it. (with any modifier key, except "command" which initiates a move). So, hateful software, w.t.f. isn't there an option to do what I need? Drag me a nice alias to somewhere else. With the same name even. (other hate about the usual 3 step process - make alias, move, rename) I thought that this operating system was supposed to have an easy to use user interface. Hatefully it seems not. Either that or their all a bunch of trusting hippies over in Cupertino who have no need for security on their own server systems, so don't see the reason for anyone else to need it. Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 13:28 on 12 Aug 2006 Subject: Challenge response systems Challenge response systems. Particularly those hooked up to mailing lists. I'm not sure whether I want to kill the authors first, or the users. Nicholas Clark ----- Forwarded message from kickidle@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx ----- Received: from server344.server-center.net ([]) by plum.flirble.org with esmtp (Exim 4.43) id 1GBsUe-000BeY-S8 for nick@xxxx.xxx; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:21:34 +0100 Received: from kickidle by server344.server-center.net with local (Exim 4.52) id 1GBsUb-0005T0-Qq for nick@xxxx.xxx; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 08:21:29 -0400 X-Boxtrapper: iuBOI2FRD4BOm9uMkmFuxPXa_w4RRQO0 To: nick@xxxx.xxx Subject: Your email requires verification verify#vBKibBm4rGqMiod20gc4QyIi2ywp0ZQ7 From: <kickidle@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx> Message-Id: <E1GBsUb-0005T0-Qq@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx> Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 08:21:29 -0400 X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - server344.server-center.net X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - ccl4.org X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [32135 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - server344.server-center.net X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE AND HIT SEND. Thanks for your email! However, I now get over 150 spam emails a day. That's just too many to handle. And unfortunately, my automatic filters like to claim that mail from my family and friends is spam. So I have to double check all those messages to make sure I'm not actually ignoring my mom instead of the spam. Since I haven't setup your email address on my approved list yet (sorry!), you need to let me know you're not an evil spammer. Please don't change the subject line when you reply. The text in the subject tells my email server how to locate your message and forward it on to me. I know this is inconvenient, but your address will automatically be remembered after your first email. From then on you're emails will go straight to me, and you won't have to deal with this hassle again. If you don't reply within a few days, my email server will delete your message. I'll never get to read it. So please reply. Thanks! The headers of the message sent from your address are show below: >From siesta-dev-bounce@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx Sat Aug 12 08:21:29 2006 Received: from kickidle by server344.server-center.net with local-bsmtp (Exim 4.52) id 1GBsUa-0005Sk-Vw for kickidle@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 08:21:29 -0400 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.4 (2006-07-25) on server344.server-center.net X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_50 autolearn=ham version=3.1.4 Received: from penfold.unixbeard.net ([]) by server344.server-center.net with esmtp (Exim 4.52) id 1GBsUa-0005SI-Ms for daniel@xxxxxxxx.xxx; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 08:21:28 -0400 Received: by penfold.unixbeard.net (Postfix, from userid 65534) id C56702000B2; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:21:22 +0100 (BST) X-Original-To: siesta-dev@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx Delivered-To: siesta-dev@xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx Received: from plum.flirble.org (plum.flirble.org []) by penfold.unixbeard.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id EB0762000A9 for <siesta-dev@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx>; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:21:20 +0100 (BST) Received: from nick by plum.flirble.org with local (Exim 4.43) id 1GBsUR-000BdR-Q3; Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:21:19 +0100 Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:21:19 +0100 From: Nicholas Clark <nick@xxxx.xxx> To: Michael Reece <mreece@xxxx.xxx> Cc: siesta-dev@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] no subject Message-ID: <20060812122119.GV5342@xxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx> References: <D2B00150-B992-4051-AEB4-7DC6C3C8AB86@xxxx.xxx> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline In-Reply-To: <D2B00150-B992-4051-AEB4-7DC6C3C8AB86@xxxx.xxx> User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.25i X-Organisation: Tetrachloromethane List-Id: siesta-dev <siesta-dev.siesta.unixbeard.net> List-Help: <mailto:richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx> List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:siesta-dev-unsub@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx> List-Subscribe: <mailto:siesta-dev-sub@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx> List-Post: <mailto:siesta-dev@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx> List-Owner: <mailto:siesta-dev@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx> List-Archive: NO Sender: <kickidle@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx> ----- End forwarded message -----
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 15:01 on 01 Aug 2006 Subject: Spreadsheet::ParseExcel return pack('C*', unpack('n*', $sTxt)); No. That's not a valid way to convert ucs2 text to anything, let alone ISO-8859-1 Urge To Kill Rising [It's converting network order 16 bit values into a list of numbers, then converting that list to 8 bit characters, with an implicit truncation] Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 17:59 on 19 Jul 2006 Subject: Finder OK. Who omitted the STFU option from preferences? When I mount a server I don't need a little noise to tell me that it's completed. Heck, I don't really want it to open a window on an NFS mount that I'm restoring, but I can live with that. But computers should be seen and not heard. Cute sound effects are not, especially by default. If you think otherwise, please ensure that your development version defaults to an "audio-cock" theme. Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 23:35 on 17 Jul 2006 Subject: Aquamacs "Emacs" According to the blurb Aquamacs "Emacs": Aquamacs is an Aqua-native build of the powerful Emacs text editor. By "Aqua-native," we mean more than just the fact that this version of Emacs runs as a standard OS X application. Aquamacs features extensive customization: it will feel and behave mostly like an Aqua program - while still being a real GNU Emacs with all the ergonomy and extensibility you've come to expect from this world-class editor. So I start it. The default font seems to be proportional spaced. Yuck. But apparently this is a feature: Fonts just work, right from the menu: The Mac-standard font (Lucida Grande) is the default for editing text, and the mono-spaced Monaco is used to other modes. I want a text editor. Text. T E X T. I want monospaced fonts whatever. If I wanted proportional spacing I'd load a word processor, dammit. So I try to change them. It seems that the option menu will change the font for this buffer, but not globally, and not the saved default. Grrr. So I end up in the good old fashioned emacs customisation windows. I set the face "default" to Lucida Typewriter, hit ^C^C, and it all reformats the way I want it. I even hit a button marked "Save for Future Sessions" and it writes out a customistation file. So I test this, by quitting and restarting. It ignores it. We're back to proportional spacing. Lucida fucking Grande. Eh? Maybe the customisation file wasn't really being loaded. So I try symlinking it to ~/.emacs. No. That doesn't help. So make sure it is loading something I run it under ktrace: 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL stat(0x4b451c0,0xbfffd780) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET stat 0 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL open(0x4b451c0,0,0) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET open 5 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL close(0x5) Eh? Open the file, then immediately close it? Er, hello? Then a bit further: 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL readlink(0x4b95944,0xaa1240,0x64) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET readlink -1 errno 22 Invalid argument 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL stat(0x4b96800,0xbfffe3a0) No, that's not going to work... [to be fair, this might be just after it chased the symlink from my .emacs] Then, finally: 1011 Aquamacs Emacs NAMI "/Users/nick/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/cust omizations.el" 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET open 5 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL read(0x5,0x496ee00,0x39f) 1011 Aquamacs Emacs GIO fd 5 read 927 bytes "(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(aquamacs-customization-version-id 99.0 t) '(one-buffer-one-frame-mode nil nil (aquamacs-frame-setup)) '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((c-indentation-style . bsd)))) '(transient-mark-mode t)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "grey90" :foreground "Black" \ :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underli\ ne nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 120 :width normal :family \ "lucida-typewriter"))))) " 1011 Aquamacs Emacs RET read 927/0x39f 1011 Aquamacs Emacs CALL close(0x5) Hurrah! We load it. So why doesn't it work? No clue. So I decide to grab that plausible looking custom-set-faces code and test it in the Lisp interaction window, *scratch* Paste it in, hit ^J, nothing. Odd... Not even the customary line of output giving the return value. Try something I think should work. Nothing Odd. I try a real emacs. Stuff happens, (as expected).. So, let's just check what ^J is bound to in *scratch* in Aquamacs. ^H k ^J C-j runs the command newline-and-indent which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'. It is bound to C-j. (newline-and-indent) Insert a newline, then indent according to major mode. Indentation is done using the value of `indent-line-function'. In programming language modes, this is the same as TAB. In some text modes, where TAB inserts a tab, this command indents to the column specified by the function `current-left-margin'. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. "emacs". You keep using that word. I do not think that it means what you think that it means. Nicholas Clark
From: Nicholas Clark Date: 21:00 on 22 Jun 2006 Subject: modal dialogue boxes So M$ Outlook has just thrilled me with 4 levels of modal dialogue box crack. I can move the top one about the screen. What's wrong with the idea of me moving any of the previous ones around then? Maybe I want to see what's in the one 2 down without hitting cancel twice. Oh, and if I hit OK in the sub-sub-sub dialogue, but cancel in the next level up, does that cancel the effects of OK? Yes/No/Shrug_it_depends_but_you_need_to_check_the_source? Meanwhile, competition. I'm sure that 4 isn't the largest stack you can get. Which software provides the ability to produce the most hatefully deep stack of modal dialogue boxes, and by what contrived route through the options? Nicholas Clark
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